about me
I'm Kelly! I received my MSW from Boston University and am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) in Massachusetts. I have been a School Social Worker for over 13 years and I teach graduate students at BU School of Social Work and provide professional development to various school districts. I love doing counseling and therapy and hope my passion and enthusiasm comes through. I have a poster in my office that says “Good morning. Eyes up. Hearts up. Mind sharp. Compassion on full blast. (sips coffee) Okay let’s go” a favorite tweet of mine from the inimitable Lin Manuel Miranda. This mantra reminds me that there is almost nothing we can’t do with a little compassion (and some coffee!). I am passionate about social justice and anti-bias work. I believe that humans do well when they can….and if they can't, that by providing support, guidance and unconditional positive regard we can get them back on track. My goal is to create a supportive environment where clients can grow, help them to build up lagging skills, teach coping strategies, and partner with clients on how to be their best selves. I use a variety of treatment modalities and have specialized certifications in the treatment of anxiety for children and adolescence.
a little more about me
I was drawn to social work because my parents were both unofficial social workers- always helping others, involved in the community, and teaching me to be open-minded. I love spending time with my husband, my two fabulously sassy and spirited daughters, and my adorable gray tiger cats- Auggie and Archie. I love plants, astrology and vintage things. I’m a font-enthusiast and breast cancer survivor. I’m a lover of lakes and an admirer of “cotton candy” and “pink lemonade” skies. Connection and community is in my bones (I’m a double Libra, what can I say?) and I consider it an honor and a privilege to do this work and to bear witness to people’s growth and pain- and everything in between.
certifications / licensures / related experience
Massachusetts Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)
School Adjustment Counselor/School Social Worker Professional Licensure (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
MSW, Clinical Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work
B.A. in Psychology, Suffolk University
Trauma Certificate Program, Boston University School of Social Work
Certified Child & Adolescent Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP-CA)
Graduate Course Facilitator, Boston University School of Social Work (May 2023-present)
Medford Human Rights Commissioner Co-Chair (February 2020-2023)